Saturday 21 February 2015

[Recommendation] Zekkyou Gakkyuu for Horror Enthusiast !

It's been a long time. Seriously, gue sangat sering baca komik. Tetapi entah mengapa buat membahas satu persatu disini... it's hard, really hard. Karena gue juga cukup tidak berbakat untuk merekomendasikan komik apa saja yang patut dibaca, I mean, gue cukup kesulitan untuk bisa membujuk orang lain buat baca apa yang gue baca. Whatever.
Belakangan ini gue terlalu bosan buat baca genre-genre yang overly mainstream (read: shoujo) dan bubbly-bubbly gimana gitu. Dan hell yeah, entah dapat wangsit darimana gue akhirnya terobsesi dengan genre horror dan thriller.
Mungkin gue adalah salah satu dari orang-orang super labil dan gajelas maunya apa. But I admit it. Dulu gue super penakut. Tapi sekarang... I'm so into horror-thing. Well, for a newbie, it's really hard to find a worth-reading manga. Banyak rekomendasi yang menunjukkan gue ke cerita nonsense dan kesan horornya itu lebih mengarah ke gory image yang sangat sangat menjijikkan. It's bad for your eyes.
Contoh ?
Uzumaki ? Apocalypse no Toride ? Kami-sama no Iutoori ni ?
Shit. Selama gue obsessed dengan komik-komik horror, mimpi buruk gue juga berubah. Belakangan ini gue tergila-gila dengan Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), seriously, who would not love this one. Setelah itu gue juga baca Kami-sama no Iutoori ni dan dengan sangat kreatifnya otak gue merangkai mimpi buruk gue menjadi hal seperti ini,
I trapped in a high school, with a lot of ugly titans around the place, eagerly haunted me and trying to eat my brain.
Trust me, mimpi kayak begitu lebih seram dibandingkan dikejar-kejar siluman ular putih ala medusa yang rambutnya itu ular putih.
Ah, mulai kurang fokus gue sekarang. Anyway,  gue bakal merekomendasikan komik horror yang benar-benar worth-to-read
ZEKKYOU GAKKYUU. Here is the cover:

Yeay ! It's time for screaming lessons !!!
Zekkyou Gakkyuu is the type of "horror story collection" manga. There is always different story each chapter, and that's the good point. I really appreciate the author for making me kind of shock for the ending. He/she surprisingly created a creepy ending for every stories. There is no spooky thing or gory image, I assure you. I even thought that the stories is made for children by giving a lesson for making them a better character. Surely by scaring them.
For example, there was a story about a family. They had an aquarium with a lot of fishes. One day, the kid accidentally killed the fish and just threw the body in a trash. At night, she was haunted by hundreds fishes laying on her bed and strange things happened. She had a vision of her parents turning into fish. Then the next morning she told her parents the truth and buried the fish corpse decently. But the story didn't end just like that. I really didn't understand why, but the family was ended being a real fish and went (or dead) to the ocean. (Too lazy to check my memories, sorry)
Okay, maybe I was wrong, or right. I don't really remember it well. But at least that's the example.
Mungkin cerita horrornya tidak terlalu seram, memang iya, tetapi setelah dipikir-pikir lagi, kalau cerita tersebut nyata, I'll shit on my pants. Karena ceritanya terlalu nampak nyata, itulah sisi seramnya. Tapi ada juga beberapa cerita yang too emotional. Bahkan gue nangis, YEAH I CRIED READING HORROR MANGA.
{ Overall Rate: 9 of 10
   Creepy Rate: 7 of 10 }
Please, please read it.
Thank you,