Friday 17 September 2021

[Continuous] Ceaseless Flame Part 2

This can't be.... She's leaving again??

Aku duduk terdiam di dalam mobil. Berkali-kali aku meneleponnya, tidak ada yang mengangkat. Aku sangat tahu kalau dia sengaja melakukannya.

Sebenarnya apa yang ayahku bicarakan dengan Ellin sampai membuatnya terus-terusan seperti ini?

"Are you happy now?"

William Maier, ayahku, dia menjawab panggilanku tidak lebih setelah 3 dering. Si orang sibuk ini seperti sudah menanti panggilan dariku.

"Is this about that woman?"

"What did you say to her? I clearly warned you not to lay a finger on her!"

"I didn't. We just talked. She's leaving, isn't she? Well, it is her own decision then," nadanya sangat tenang namun aku mendengar sebuah arogansi dan kepuasan dari cara bicaranya. Sesuatu pasti terjadi!

"No,  you threatened her. What was it?"

"Just confirmed some trivial things. Rather than talking about her, why don't you come here to attend the meeting?" 

F*ck him. Di situasi seperti ini siapa yang bernafsu untuk memikirkan masalah perusahaan?

"Father..." Aku tidak bisa menahan betapa geramnya diriku saat ini.

"I always obey you all the time. But for this time, after you rob my freedom all the time, can't you let me live my own life? When will you stop torturing me like this?"

Rasanya selama puluhan tahun hidup, nafasku digenggam kencang olehnya. Apakah aku mengharapkan kalau dia segera pergi dari dunia ini? Tentu saja berkali-kali namun si tua ini seperti diberkati oleh umur panjang. Berkali-kali lolos dari berbagai penyakit dan kecelakaan, seakan mampu melangkahi kematian.

"It doesn't matter anymore what you do, she's still leaving,"

Sesuatu di dalam diriku ingin meledakkan diri dan melempar pukulan ke arahnya. Beruntung jarak kami berjauhan. Dan aku teringat bagaimana aku harus mempertahankan apa yang kupunya dan menjadi yang lebih hebat lagi dari sebelumnya.

"I'll come to office,"

William, dari kejauhan sini, aku bisa merasakan kepuasan dari nada bicaranya, "Good,"

Setelah menutup telepon, aku melihat tidak ada balasan dari Ellin sama sekali. Meneleponnya pun sia-sia. Dia memblokir nomorku. 

Sekitar 3 jam kemudian aku kembali ke kantor. William adalah orang pertama yang kudatangi sebelum ruang kerjaku. Dia sedang bersama sekretarisnya dan langsung menghentikan diskusi saat melihatku masuk.

"We can ask Zachary for help,"  ucapku sambil duduk.

"Really? How so?"

"Sell the Maier logistics, he is interested for buying it,"

Wajah William mulai serius. Dia tidak pernah berpikir sebelumnya, bukan? Maier butuh dana serius, menjual perusahaan lama yang sudah tidak terlalu menguntungkan adalah opsi yang baik.

Zachary adalah sahabat lamaku, salah satu pengusaha yang sangat andal. Kemampuan manajerialnya tidak perlu diragukan dan lagipula, dia sudah berkali-kali menunjukkan keseriusannya untuk membeli perusahaan distribusi Maier.

"That logistic company is burning a large amount of operational cost with only small return. They need a major breakthrough also. It is time to let go. Let us be the sole investor of this mega project,"

"Okay, but you still have to resolve with Dana,"

Aku memperhatikan sekretarisnya yang masih berdiri di samping William setiap saat. Walaupun matanya tidak menatapku, aku yakin dia menyimak pembicaraan kami.

"Will you please get out first?" tanyaku, kepada Ben, sekretaris William.

Dia setuju dan hendak pergi, sebelum akhirnya William menolak dan menahan keberadaannya.

"It's not like you treated your marriage life as a personal matter. You can stay," ujar William kepada Ben.

Di sisi lain, dia hanya ingin menunjukkan bahwa otoritasnya di perusahaan ini tidak pernah bergeming dan semua bertindak atas perintahnya.

Aku tidak percaya dia masih membahas ini. "It's already over, why should I do that?"

"His father is an old friend of mine. Moreover, we still need to join forces with Osborn's,"

"I already signed the divorce paper, my mind is absolute," balasku. "Father, as long as I manage this well, why should we still rely on the Osborn's? Are we that powerless in your perception?"

Dia hanya diam dan bersandar. Sesuatu jelas ditutupi olehnya. 

"Do you want to know what was that girl telling me?"

Jantungku berdegup saat mendengar nama Ellin dari mulutnya. Namun tentu saja aku tidak akan menunjukkan kegugupanku. Dengan tenang aku meliriknya dan menunggu.

"She wanted you just because of your wealth and your looks, she is that one leech without any remarkable beauty. You can find any woman like her everywhere,"

Aku tersenyum mendengarnya. William tidak menyangka akan reaksiku, "She pretty well told the same to me also,"

"Then she's not worthy at all, you will not reap any benefit from her,"

"Even if I was sucked dry by her, no matter what kind of leech she is, as long as I have everything what she wants, then it is fine,"

Tentu saja William geram, mungkin dia berpikir bagaimana bisa anaknya bisa sebodoh ini untuk urusan perempuan. Tetapi akupun tidak berniat untuk mengubah persepsinya terhadap Ellin. Di usia yang hampir menjelang setengah abad, mengapa aku masih memerlukan persetujuan pria tua ini?

"If you still insist, then let's see if she still wants you if you are no longer Maier's heir,"

Aku masih tersenyum dan menutupi reaksiku. "Very well, let's see if you have any better option than I suggest,"

William tersenyum getir. Mungkin dia masih merasa dirinya pebisnis handal, masih memiliki semangat menggebu untuk menopang ambisinya yang luar biasa dan menyokong ego besarnya. Tetapi kondisinya sekarang ini tentu saja sulit untuk tidak berpihak kepadaku. Dia tidak memiliki orang yang bisa dipercaya selain aku. Dia tentu saja membutuhkanku.

Dia tertawa, yang berarti dia mengakui kekalahannya.

"You never once feel defeated, I guessed I taught you well,"

"I only have no fear of losing anymore since I never win against you," aku tersenyum.

Dia mungkin menyadari bahwa selama ini aku selalu membencinya, tetapi di sisi lain, aku sadar bahwa apa yang terjadi kepadaku adalah pembentukannya. Aku tidak pernah takut akan apapun karena aku tahu tidak ada yang lebih menakutkan dibandingkan pria tua ini, this manipulative and cold-blooded evil that is appeared to be my own father. 

"Fine, you're Maier after all," dia tertawa penuh dengan kebanggaan.


"Do you know your eyes look different these days,"

Zachary meneguk gelas keduanya setelah melihatku. "Hm? How so?"

"You're eager for something, as if you were 20 years ago,"

Aku terkikih, "Boys will be forever boys, unlike you, who is born as a man already,"

Dia meletakkan gelas yang sudah kosong menjauh, "Is that a compliment or an insult?"

Aku hanya tertawa. Setelah seluruh agreement  selesai dan Zachary tidak sedang sesibuk biasanya, dan sebelum dia kembali menyibukkan diri dengan mainan-maksudku, perusahaan baru miliknya, aku mengajaknya ke Posh Bar.

"I met with Ellin, again," ucapku mulai mengajak ke topik yang lebih serius.

"I heard that,"

"But she left me, again," tambahku.

"I also heard that,"

"Really? How did you know that?"

"Ellin told me," jawabannya membuatku tanpa sadar menganga.

"Wait, you're still in contact with her?" tanyaku.

Dia hanya mengangguk, sementara aku tidak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak mencekik lehernya. Dan aku melakukannya, namun reaksinya masih tetap seperti biasa, tenang tanpa berkutik. Malahan dia meminta satu gelas cognac lagi.

"Did you know that I'm constantly looking for her?"

"You didn't ask me,"

"And you know where she is?"

Dia mengangguk. Kemudian dia mengeluarkan ponselnya. "Oh? She texted me," dia kemudian menunjukkan layar ponselnya, dan aku melihat seseorang di kontaknya yang bernama Ellin menjawab 'okay, on my way,'.

"She's coming?" tanyaku. Aku tidak percaya selama ini aku mencarinya kemana-mana sementara aku memiliki akses sedekat ini! Mengapa aku tidak terpikir untuk menanyakannya?

Dia mengangguk juga.

"Did she know I'm here also?"

"I didn't tell her, she didn't ask either," Zachary selalu seperti ini. Baik perkataan maupun tidakannya selalu efisien namun begitu efektif.

"Zach, you dude! Alright! The drinks are on me tonight!"

Zachary langsung memanggil untuk memesan 3 gelas cognac lagi. Sialan, pria ini! Dia sudah menghabiskan 3 gelas, dan beberapa gelas lagi tetap tidak akan membuatnya hilang kesadarannya.

Sementara aku setelah mengetahui bahwa seseorang yang kucari-cari selama ini akan datang, aku langsung berhenti minum dan mulai memastikan kalau aku masih sadar sepenuhnya.

"You know, she is an extremely complicated person but she acts in a simple manner. And you really one dumb entity who acts dumber,"

"Well? You got a great advice to me?" aku tidak sedang ingin berkelahi dengannya, karena bagaimanapun juga, dia berperan banyak untuk malam ini.

"Don't push her hard, open your arms widely but don't be aggressive, show her your sincerity,"

"Why does it sound like you?" aku tidak menahan diri untuk tidak tertawa, namun kutahan. "You truly love her too, huh?"

Dia berhenti menyentuh gelasnya. Walaupun aku tidak memperhatikan, aku bisa membayangkan dia sedang menutupi reaksinya. Sebagai sahabatnya sejak dahulu dan juga seseorang yang menyukai perempuan yang sama, bagaimana aku bisa tidak tahu perasaannya terhadap Ellin?

Kini dia yang tertawa, "You caught me,"

"Yeah, thank you for not competing with me,"

Dia meneguk gelas di tangannya, "What to compete? She set her heart already,"

"She said that she loved me for everything that I have, then what should I do if she found out you have more than me?" Aku terkikih.

"If what she said is true, then she would love me instead of you,"

Aku meliriknya dan tidak bisa menahan diri untuk tersenyum lebar. "Very right," ini artinya, dia tidak benar-benar menyukaiku hanya karena apa yang kupunya, bukan?

Seseorang berjalan dan duduk di bar sebelah Zachary. "Have you waited long?" Tanyanya, tanpa menyadari bahwa ada aku di sebelah orang yang ditanyanya.

Matanya baru terbelalak saat melihatku yang terus memperhatikannya.

"No, I have my own company," balas Zach. "Now that I finished off my order, I should leave now, let's meet next time," dia menepuk pundakku dan melambaikan tangannya ke arah Ellin.

Ya, Ellin hanya berjarak tidak sampai semeter dariku. Matanya berpaling untuk memesan minuman. Apple juice, ha! Dia memastikan diri bahwa tetap sadar malam ini.

"I am sorry that I didn't keep my promise," ucapnya masih tidak berani menolehku.

"And may I have a solid reason for what you did?" Aku berusaha tenang dan juga tidak menyentuh gelasku sama sekali.

"It's not because of your father. He made me realized, that I... I don't deserve you,"

"Hm. And why is that?" Aku benar-benar menutupi perasaanku dengan bersikap sangat tenang. Mungkin apa yang dikatakan Zachary ada benarnya. Selama ini aku terlalu memaksa Ellin tanpa terbuka dengan segala pilihannya.

"I am the worst person, Arthur. If you think that every moment that we had is purely fate, then you're too wrong. I am not that person you think I am,"

"It might be true that I caused my husband to die earlier than he supposed to. My unconscious self were too eager to run away from him and seek for any chance to be with you instead. I didn't properly take care of him, I let himself suffered and then died. I... I..."

"No, it's not your fault that he died," jawabku mencoba menenangkannya. Meskipun, aku tidak tahu jelas kronologinya.

"No. Please hear me out first. I was afraid during his funeral. I realized that I was feeling relieved somehow. I was sure that I was happy during my time with him but knowing that I was also partly suffered all the time was very much confusing. It was as if I couldn't wait anymore to see you,"

"When I was contemplating and clearing my mind, an opportunity came. 3 months ago I came back to town. I was the one that suggested my company to hold the event at your Hotel. It was all me, hoping that I might see you there. At the first event, I didn't see you at all. Then the second chance came but I still didn't find you. So I tried to go to Posh Bar since I remembered this bar is your usual place according to Amy. So our meeting was never destined, it's just me who forced it. I came to the bar almost every night, honestly, before I finally met you,"

Tangannya mengangkat gelas berisi jus apel tersebut dan dia menenggaknya. Aku mulai melihat dia tidak pernah terlalu menunjukkan dirinya seperti sekarang ini.

"Is it too wrong for you to be a selfish person for your own happiness?" Jawabku.

"Arthur, I..."

"I love you whatever you are. I love the selfless side of you, the selfish you, the best and the worst of you. Can't you even understand that I don't mind at all of whatever you did? Do you think that you don't deserve me just because you think you're the murderer of your late husband? You're not, Ellin! He wouldn't also think like that! And do I even care whether our reunion is just coincidence or truly fate? As long as I finally meet you, I don't give any f*ck for anything else!"

Matanya terbelalak melihat betapa emosiku meluap dan mengarah kepadanya. "You don't mind that?" Tanyanya, tidak percaya.

"Do you think my feelings for you is that shallow? If I see any vulnerable side of you then I would be disgusted in an instant?" Aku sadar kalau suaraku terus meninggi dan beberapa orang mulai memperhatikan kami. "Ellin, I repeatedly asked you to be selfish, it's fine, if I said it's fine, then it is,"

Dia memalingkan wajahnya dan menunduk mengamati gelas minumannya.

"I am really becoming a madman if you're always being like this. Is this what you actually want?"

"What? No! No way!" Dia melihatku dengan raut panik.

Aku tersenyum, lega. "Tell me, will you leave me again, now?"

Dia menggeleng pelan.

"Are you sure? Is that really true?"

Dia mengangguk kali ini.

"Then, will you marry me?"

Dia menatapku dalam-dalam. Tidak ada anggukan, tidak ada suara sama sekali.

"Will you marry me, Ellin? I am sober enough and even though I am drunk, I will ask the same question again,"

"Are you... Okay with me?"

"Are you okay with me also? If one day I am being poor and old and ugly, hot-tempered or even unmannered? Will you still love me?"

"As long as you're still you," dia mengangguk.

"Right, as long as you're still you," jawabku juga.

"What about Dana? Your company? Your father?" Lagi-lagi, Ellin dengan segala insecurity-nya.

"Who cares? Let's just go and live somewhere far from here!" Balasku. "Just kidding, everything will be settled in no time. They won't look for us anymore,"

"Be selfish," gumamnya.

"Correct, let's be selfish from now on. I guess I need to teach you such behaviour,"

"We have forever, don't we?"

Aku tidak bisa menahan kebahagiaanku kali ini dan memeluknya dan menyadari kalau kali ini, dia tidak akan menghilang begitu saja.

Tetapi, kalaupun dia menghilang lagi untuk sekian kalinya, itu artinya aku harus kembali mengejarnya tanpa henti. Kalaupun keraguannya datang lagi, maka aku akan meyakinkannya sekali lagi dan seterusnya.


"Here!" Panggilku saat melihat Zachary di depan pintu Posh Bar.

Dia berjalan menghampiriku dan langsung memesan cognac. "What is it again?"

"Dude, can I talk something to you?"

Dia menenggak cognac yang baru saja ada di tangannya. "You never asked for permission before yet you still talk whatever you want to say,"

Aku terkikih, "Right,"

Zachary memangku kepalanya dan menungguku berbicara.

"You have to stop loving Ellin, because we are getting married and will start a peaceful life in countryside, just the two of us. Since I will not be there for you, you have to let your heart open for someone, a fine woman that will fill your tedious life,"

Zachary tertawa, meskipun aku tahu apa yang ada di dalam hatinya. Pria ini tetap saja bersikap tenang seolah tidak ada apa-apa. Selama ini aku selalu mengkhawatirkannya, dan kalau aku tidak ada, siapa yang akan menemaninya?

"Don't worry about me. I have work to do, you're the one that carelessly disturb me to keep you company,"

I always check on you in case you're losing yourself in work.

"What do you like from her?" tanyaku saat sudah merasa sedikit mabuk. Berbeda denganku, toleransi Zachary begitu tinggi bahkan aku belum pernah melihatnya tidak sadarkan diri selama aku mengenalnya.

"Since when did you realize it?" dia berbalik bertanya.

"I've known you for a lifetime. You never put any interest with a woman before, unless if it's work-related. Ellin is the first woman you get really close with. It's too obvious, dude,"

Dia tertawa, seolah menyerah untuk menutupinya. "She was just too attractive. I have no other reason,"

"If she ended up with you, I'd given up years ago. You're the only person that I believe could make her the happiest person on earth, even I am not sure I can,"

"If you're unsure, then you could let her to my care, then,"

"That's not really my point, though. I wanted to know why you never took a step,"

DIa tertawa dan menyingkirkan gelasnya. "Maybe I was just too late,"

"One day when you finally find someone, I hope you won't think too much anymore,"

Dia hanya mengangguk-angguk, "Right, one day..."

Aku hanya menepuk-nepuk pundaknya, dan kemudian kami membahas hal lain. Mungkin nanti aku akan begitu merindukan momen seperti ini. Ketika dua pria kesepian berbagi malam dengan segelas cognac.

"Did you know why Ellin left you that time?" setelah beberapa gelas dan aku sudah merasa tidak sanggup duduk tegap lagi, pertanyaan dari Zachary langsung menyadarkanku.

"She never gave me any clue,"

Akhirnya, setelah puluhan tahun lamanya, aku mengerti apa yang terjadi. Zachary memilih tidak pernah menceritakan hal ini kepadaku atas permintaan Ellin. Tapi karena pada akhirnya kami akan bersama, dia memutuskan untuk membahasnya.

"Your father did the most inhumane thing to her. He scammed her father and forced him to get a loan that ended up as a big amount of debt. He then offered the sum of money in order to get away from you. She rejected the money actually. She got her own way to pay all the debt without your father money. But after that he made her lose the job and even the place she rented. He wanted to show her that she lived a lowly life and there's no way for her to climb up the society. She then decided to run away from you and us and start a new normal life instead,"

"Why didn't you say something to me?" aku tidak bisa menahan rasa kecewaku. Hal ini bukanlah hal sepele yang bisa dianggap angin lalu.

"She wouldn't let me. Even she asked me not to give her a hand,"

Pria tua itu seharusnya sudah mati sejak lama!

"And that time, he blackmailed her that he would give some evidences to the police claiming that she intentionally murdered her husband. I recently checked the files, it was only a bluff. There's no any proof and it's not even intentional. He just tried to remind her how powerful he was,"

"That old man deserved to die," aku tidak bisa menahan emosiku.

"Since she now are true to her heart, I realize now she really loves you very much. And you, how brave you are to do this extreme,"

Aku secara resmi keluar dari keluarga dan bisnis mereka. Hanya beberapa perusahaan dan aset yang kumiliki yang tidak pernah terdaftar atas nama keluargaku dan kumiliki sendiri secara diam-diam. Semua ini sudah kupertimbangkan sejak lama. Aku yakin suatu hari nanti akan ada waktuku dengan Ellin dan aku harus bersiap melawan keluargaku nanti. Setelah puluhan tahun lamanya, aku begitu siap dan percaya diri dapat melindungi Ellin.

I finally have my own life after these suffocating years.

"I am a free man, now. One day you should feel the same,"

Dia hanya tertawa. "I have no problematic parents, besides, they were all dead. But I have thousands of families to be taken care of instead,"

"But you still have to create your own family too,"

Dia memesan segelas cognac lagi seolah malam akan berlanjut begitu panjang. "I would think that later,"