Sunday 3 February 2019

On My Way to Set Up a Heartbreak Club


Good day to you and I wish that you all have a very good start to become a better person in this new year. This is me again. With all of useless thing that I want to share to you.

I recently realized that this blog is full of sadness, unclear emotion, and too abstract. Is it really that I have no intention of creating happiness here? Or is this already considered as a happy ending to me? What is my objection at the end?

I must admit that I hate a sad ending, I hate conflict, that may be one of reasons that I tend to create a "flat" story with less climax since I hate to put one. I always failed to finish a long story, and I don't really know if I am good at this or not. But all I know is that I need to do this as one of my breather. I treated each story as a milestone that marked the emotion I faced during the period.

But I now see the pattern. It is always about unrequited feeling, a loudest silence (p.s I am in love with this phrase nowadays) and the longing mind of the heroine. Because to me, it is harder to create such a happy ending instead of what I've done. I never felt amused when reviewing a happy story, or even how to end it happily. Am I peculiar? Or does it mean that I am not happy in reality? I don't know either.

Maybe it is because I cannot define what is happiness. To me, happiness is too broad and general. But again, I can proudly say that I am happy enough to be what I am now. This is too funny, my mind is too messed up, isn't it?

Well, I just want to let you know, that I admit most of stories that I posted here are too identical, coincidentally. I don't know if I would like to find a different approach. It will up to my mood, but then, a girl's mood cannot be predicted. So you have to accept it after all.

Wow, too much talk.

I now have to leave. I really faced such a writer's block now. Pray with me that I am going to be fine and post various idea from now on, okay?

But again, here I share to you what I found during my trip to Seoul, located in Understand Avenue, near Seoul Forest Park. It said "worrying solves nothing" which is true.

I learned to not worry over unnecessary thing. And I am still trying to. I was that type of person who used to over-think everything, but I learned how bad it was, how it affected myself, my mind, my personal life, my viewpoint, everything. Now since IDGAF of any unnecessary matter, I feel free at a certain point.