Wednesday, 2 November 2016

[One Shot] Something That is More Beautiful Than Flowers

Aku melihat dia, yang menatap orang itu. Aku mengenggam tangannya, yang terus merangkul orang itu.

Meski aku berdiri selamanya, matanya tak melirikku sebagai yang terpenting. Aku hanya bisa diam dan memandangi langit yang biru dan deruman kendaraan di hari yang sangat sibuk. Cuaca yang indah untuk bunuh diri, bukan?

Saat pintu terbuka, aku melihat seseorang keluar tanpa perlu sungkan menyapaku dan langsung pergi. Bahkan berbagi lirik yang tidak henti kulakukan saja tidak.

Aku masuk ke dalam ruangan yang terlalu familiar. Bau rumput basah dan seprai linen baru, tumpukan bantal yang berantakan dan juga aroma tubuhnya yang sangat unik. Aku tidak tahu sudah berapa lama menikmati hal kecil seperti ini.

Melihatnya membuatku ingin memeluk dan menghirup aroma tubuhnya tanpa henti.

Namun karena aku tahu hal tersebut akan sangat canggung, aku memilih berbaring dengan ceroboh diatas kasur. ini aneh sekali, seperti memiliki fetish tidak lazim. Setiap hari aku mendapati diri semakin gila dengan dirinya.

Aku tidak tahu harus memulai pembicaraan dengan apa. Amarahku sudah menghilang seiring dengan aura maskulin yang ikut keluar dengan kepergian orang itu.

"What were you talking about?" tanyaku karena tidak tahan.

Dia menatapku dalam-dalam sedangkan aku memilih berbaring dan menatap langit-langit kamar. Menatapnya yang sudah hampir ingin menangis membuatku tidak mampu menguasai diri. Aku ingin memeluknya dan mengutarakan perasaanku. Tetapi tidak mungkin.

"He will marry her but asking me to stay with him also,"

Aku tidak mengerti dosa apa yang dia telah perbuat sampai membuat hidupnya kacau seperti ini. Tetapi siapa aku yang bisa menilai kehidupan seseorang? Kalau saja tidak melibatkan perasaan, aku tidak mungkin mau mengurusinya.

"You will be blamed and accused as a home-wrecker, a kept woman, think about it clearly," aku menutup mata dan mencoba untuk tetap tenang. Semua tentang hidupnya memang menyedihkan.

Matanya seperti mata kucing yang begitu ingin kuelus. Kalau aku terus membuka mata dan bertatap mata dengannya, seluruh bayangan nakal selalu terbesit tiba-tiba. Aku memilih untuk berbaring, mungkin aku sedikit kurang tidur.

"And that's not a good impression, you will live a hard life,"

Memangnya aku sendiri menjalani hidup yang bagaimana?

Memang apa bedanya aku dan dia?

Dan di kala itu, ketika dia akhirnya memanggil namaku, "You know what, Maya?" dengan nada serak dan mengundang seluruh pikiran kotor di dalamku.

Aku mencoba memejamkan mata namun panggilannya membuat energiku terisi penuh. Aku begitu ingin memeluknya dan melakukan semua hal yang seharusnya kulakukan sejak dulu. Aku begitu ingin mengutarakan perasaanku ini, tanpa memikirkan hal lain dan segala norma yang ada. Tanpa perlu menilai dan menyalahkan orang lain, seperti yang dia lakukan kepada dirinya sendiri.

"I can't thank you enough to have you in my life," kalimatnya kemudian membuat sebuah peringatan di dalam diriku.

Mengapa dia tiba-tiba berterima kasih kepadaku? Apakah dia ingin mengakhiri sesuatu? Apa itu nyawanya, kehidupan percintaannya, etika, apa yang dia maksud dengan ucapan itu?

Aku terbangun dan tidak mungkin tidak menatapnya. Aku begitu ingin memahami maksudnya.

"Why are you saying that?" aku tidak lagi ingin membawa pembicaraan ini menjadi lebih berat. Senyuman dan tawa kecil palsu yang terlintas begitu menjelaskan betapa kacaunya pikiranku sekarang.

Ah... Tetapi kau tahu apa yang membuatku begitu menyukainya, melebihi seorang sahabat yang perhatian?

She reminds me of myself.

Monday, 31 October 2016

[One Shot] Ignorance

Pria itu menatapku setelah aku berdiri di depan pintu. Aku melepas seluruh beban di pundak dan menghampirinya. Matanya mengamati seluruh penampilanku. Aku tidak pernah tampil terlalu buruk. Dia saja yang tidak mau mengakuinya.

Tangannya menyentuh pinggangku, melingkari dan memegang erat. Kepalanya bersandar ke bahu beserta seluruh pikirannya.

This is love, this is love. Seperti mantra, aku terus berbicara dalam hati. Aku selalu menerima di setiap masa sunyinya. Dia mendatangiku di kala sepinya. Dan pelukanku seperti obat penenang baginya.

Tetapi setiap kali dia datang dan memelukku, dia hanya ingin membuangku untuk kesekian kalinya.

"What is it again?" aku duduk di sampingnya setelah membawanya masuk ke dalam.

Dia tidak dalam keadaan ingin berbicara. Ini akan menjadi malam yang bisu. Hanya aku, dia, dan decit sofa yang bergerak pelan.

Aku berharap hari esok yang indah.

Dia tidak mau melepasku meski hanya untuk mengubah posisi. Karena pria ini, hidupku tidak pernah bisa bahagia seperti wanita normal. Karenanya pula aku tidak bisa hidup dengan tenang. Dia selalu datang tanpa berita dan pergi tanpa pamit.

Tetapi keberadaannya yang tiba-tiba semakin tidak bisa ditolak.

"You are pathetic,"

Maya melempar sebuah majalah ke arahku. Dia datang keesokan harinya dan melihat ada bantal dan selimut yang berantakan diatas sofa.

"Just shut him off! He is not even interested in you!"

Maya berkali-kali menceramahi betapa tidak berharganya apa yang kulakukan ini. Jatuh cinta kepada pria tanpa masa depan dan tak tahu arah, yang hanya memanfaatkan perasaanku demi keuntungannya sendiri.

My name is Charles, an aspiring song-writer, 23 years old, currently living in Brecker.

Aku masih mengingat betapa bodohnya hatiku untuk memilih menyukai seorang kandidat pemeran pembantu dalam sebuah teater musikal. Sebagai salah satu juri, aku bisa melihat bakatnya yang terpendam namun masih sangat mentah dalam berperan.

Dia gagal namun terus mengikuti audisi kesekian kalinya. Setiap kali datang, dia terus berkembang tetapi masih belum mencapai ekspektasi.

Aku masih ingat kepolosanku yang menawarkannya sebagai staf bagian audio setelah dia keluar dari ruang audisi. Sejak saat itu aku menjadi jembatan menuju karir pemain musikal yang bukan menjadi cita-citanya sejak awal.

Kini pria itu telah menjadi sutradara sekaligus scriptwriter yang mulai dikenal. Ketergantungannya dengan alkohol untuk mendapat inspirasi menjadi penyebab gaya hidup yang urakan. Dia minum tanpa tahu waktu dan kondisi. Ketika inspirasinya tidak datang hanya dengan puluhan botol alkohol, aku menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk mengatasi kecemasan.

Aku percaya kalau kami saling mencintai, tetapi kata itu tidak pernah terucapkan dari mulutnya. Setiap dia pergi, aku selalu meragukan perasaannya. Tetapi setiap kali dia datang kembali, aku memilih percaya kepada perasaanku sendiri saja.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Recently Watched: SANAM TERI KASAM

Hello, it's been a while to review something here. Last week, I decided to watch a Bollywood movie again after a while. It's kinda hard to me to choose the one because actually I'm not really a fan of every hindi movies. It must be acording to the cast, plot, and the color palettes. Please note that I am using "and" which means those 3 must be inclusive.

First, the cast. Oh yes, my movie list must include a good-looking heroine. C'mon, I am going to watch more than 2 hours movie so if there is no a worthy actor to be enjoyed, then it's a no-no. Second, the plot. I am certainly a picky movie-eater that enjoyed trashy plot, tear-jerker, outrageously silly and only watch a serious-noir movie in mood. Shortly, I like mainstream-typical hindi movies. And last is the color palette. It means the color of the film in overall. I like to see a grand setting with pretty color which spent a big amount of budget. We're talking about India, a city that is known dirtier than my country (according to many sources, please don't bash me) so looking the real Indian life would be a pain for my eyes. This is shown how subjective I am as a person, yes?

So I am searching for a worthy one that is fit to my liking. After many searches, I decided to watch this movie:

The movie title is "Sanam Teri Kasam", played by 2 main casts, Harsh Rane and Mawra Hocane. Those two may haven't been renowned stars, considering their names were not even put in the movie poster. And for me, their faces were also not familiar. The only thing that make me wanted to watch is only because of the reviews. It has a positive reviews from the public, and otherwise from the critics. It means, the story maybe such a typical love story that won't satisfy the critics. And finally, I decided to spend almost 2 and half hours watching this movie.

Oh, yes the plot. This is a very typical love story like anything else, to be honest. You know, a man and a woman, a meeting, love happened, and then ended with a happy one, or a tragic one. Seeing the poster only, you will think this has a tragic ending, right? There is no surprise with the plot, seriously. But somehow I was interested and very ready to shed tears. But yeah, I'll tell you the synopsis. STK is about the meeting of a man who wanted to love no one (which is lack of explanation in the story), named Inder, an ex-prisoner-murderer with a woman whom no one loved named Saraswati or Saru. Saru has always been rejected by several man and also had a very stiff father who only wanted an IIT, IIM, bla bla, which I don't really understand but shortly, a successful bachelor from respected background. One day, she asked Inder for helping her and ended up he helped her for almost everything. If I tell more, then maybe it will be a spoiler.

I am very satisfied for the setting choice. There were such a beautiful library (because Saru is a librarian), a very pretty interior design of a cheap place, even the traditional market is very colorful. Talking about the color palette, I started to remember Bajirao Mastani that also has a very good color palette (as a Sanjay Leela Bhansali's work obviously) and maybe I will review that later.

Oh yes, I realized that there is really no fun if we talked about something without photos, so now let's see the color palette, shall we?

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

[Monologue] First

Hello, it's me.

I am writing this after I found a very old picture of you.
It reminds me about several thoughts.
And I don't know whether I like it or not.
You seem like an old treasure buried inside of me.
But it's not that deep. You are always there, whenever I want to reminisce.

You know, I am furious when you are holding someone's hand.
But still, I tell to myself that you are nobody to me.
We are still strangers, with history.
We had a bunch of pages in a book that is owned by me.
Only me. Because this is an unrequited, untold.
I hid those memories, those histories, and those feelings alone.

I miss a moment to tell you, how much I worship you in every prayer.
You are like a Demi-God, a myth that is seemed real but so far.
And I prayed to God, wishing you to come near.

Until the end of my prayer, when I feel tired to ask God, I started to see a reality.
You are only a picture in my mind.
An unlikely perfect portrait of human hanged at the door to my heart.
And the last wish I had to you is a happiness. For you and only. Even when I forgot to ask for myself.

Good night, you.
I wish us to become the closest I can ever think of.
I wish we run into each other but never meet the eye. I wish you walk in the same path as I do even in a different time. I wish myself to not let my heart fall again whenever I see your figure.


Friday, 14 October 2016

[One Shot] Life's Appreciation

Suatu hari, seorang gadis dengan rambut sebahu mendatangiku. Pagi itu aku sedang menunggu temanku di sebuah halte bis dan duduk dibawah hujan. Kami berdua terperangkap di bawah kanopi yang untung saja cukup menahan derasnya air yang turun.

"Halo," ucapnya.

Aku meliriknya.

"Aku hanya ingin menyampaikan terima kasih,"

Kini aku melirik gadis itu untuk kedua kalinya. Semua ingatan di otakku tidak pernah mengenali wajah gadis ini. Bahkan aku juga tidak ingat pertemuan kami sebelumnya.

"Terima kasih untuk apa?" tanyaku, bingung.

Dia malah tersenyum. "Aku takut tidak sempat bertemu lagi denganmu, untuk itu aku buru-buru ingin sekali mengucapkannya,"

"Tetapi terima kasih untuk apa?"

Dia membalasku dengan senyum yang diikuti dengan seringai yang manis. "Kita sudah lama satu bis bersama dan kamu bahkan tidak sadar,"

"Maaf, aku memang tidak terlalu pintar mengenali orang,"

Dia memainkan kakinya yang berayun-ayun. "Aku baru saja menghadiri pemakaman seseorang," ucapnya yang langsung membuat senyuman itu menghilang begitu saja.

Apapun yang kutanyakan tidak pernah dijawab dengan jelas.

"Dia seorang nenek tua yang tinggal di dekat rumahku. Pekerjaannya tukang sapu dan dia memintaku untuk berterima kasih kepadamu beberapa hari sebelum kematiannya,"

Aku tidak pernah mengenali nenek yang dia maksud sama sekali. Sepertinya dia sudah salah orang.

"Tidak, aku tahu kalau yang dia maksud adalah kamu,"

Nenek Arum, yang dia sebutkan ini mengucapkan kalau seumur hidupnya, sudah bertemu denganku di halte ini lebih dari dia bertemu dengan anak-anaknya. Secara logika, mungkin agak masuk akal karena aku selalu menghabiskan waktu di halte ini, sejak sekolah hingga bekerja. Tetapi menyedihkan sekali saat tahu beliau tinggal sendiri dan anaknya diasuh oleh keluarga lain. Untuk mengurangi beban hidup, beliau merelakan buah hatinya agar hidup terpisah. Suaminya juga pergi dan tidak pernah ada kabar selama tahunan. Menurut kabar, sang suami sudah meninggal tetapi entah dimana. Nenek Arum juga tidak bisa mengurusi suaminya karena keterbatasan dana.

Singkatnya, Nenek Arum berkata kepada gadis ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepadaku. Beliau berkata bahwa hidupku terlalu berat karena harus berjalan jauh dan menunggu angkutan umum. Setiap hari raut wajahku terlipat dan tidak nampak bahagia. Beliau menganggap kalau masalah yang kuhadapi semakin hari terus bertambah dan aku perlu bersyukur untuk segala hal sekecil apapun.

Berkat pertemuanku dengan beliau, Nenek Arum mulai bisa melihat betapa bahagia hidupnya. Sesusah apapun dia masih bisa mensyukuri hidup. Beliau tahu kalau hanya dengan ucapan terima kasih dari seseorang dapat membuatku tersenyum. Karena aku sudah terlalu lupa cara berterima kasih.

Kini aku mulai mengingat nenek ini. Beberapa kali beliau pernah mengajakku berbicara namun aku tidak bisa menanggapinya serius. Sesuatu menyangkut hal pekerjaan sudah membuat hidupku mumet dan aku tidak sempat mengurusi hal lain lagi. Aku mengingat nenek itu selalu memberikan wajah senyumnya namun melihat beliau malah membuatku semakin ingin menghindar. Rupanya dia hanya ingin menularkan aura positifnya kepadaku.

Melihat ke belakang, aku tidak tahu sudah seberapa buruk hidupku sekarang, sejelek apa karakter yang kumilliki. Aku hampir lupa caranya untuk bersyukur. Aku telah berubah menjadi seorang dewasa yang tidak pernah kuinginkan sejak kecil. Mimpi masa kecilku yang terdengar konyol, menjadi bahagia. Namun kehidupanku malah jauh dari mimpi itu sendiri. Kini rasanya semua yang kumiliki perlahan tak berarti.

"Aku berterima kasih kepadamu telah membuatnya selalu tersenyum dan merasa diberkati,"

Kenyataannya aku tidak pernah melakukan apapun kepadanya. Aku tidak tahu bagaimana bisa sesuatu negatif dariku menjadi sesuatu yang berarti bagi orang lain.

"Kamu tahu bagaimana aku bisa yakin kalau aku tidak salah orang?"

Dia berdiri dan ingin menembus hujan yang masih tidak mereda.

"Dari kejauhan, kamu sangat terlihat penuh bantuan,"

Dia berlari tanpa takut hujan membasahi sebuah pakaian lusuhnya. Kakinya yang tidak beralas melangkah dengan ringan ke setiap kubangan air. Gadis itu, gadis seperti itu, mendatangiku karena merasa dia perlu membantuku. Gadis yang satu bis bersamaku untuk bernyanyi karena mengamen adalah pekerjaannya. Gadis itu, dan Nenek Arum...


Tuesday, 30 August 2016

[Continuous] New Season (Part 7)

"What's up, hon?" Jared mengangkat teleponku meski sudah hampir pukul 2 dini hari. Dari suaranya, aku sangat yakin dia sudah tertidur.

"Kau sudah tidur? Aku mengganggumu ya?"

"Nope, I'm awake now, talk to me," suaranya yang terus menguap membuatku merasa bersalah.

"I can't sleep, Jared,"

"What's going on? Should I come to you?"

Aku tidak tahu harus menjelaskan apa kepada Jared. Pikiranku cukup kacau. Pertanyaan Daniel membuatku tidak dapat beristirahat. Saat aku memintanya untuk menemaniku malam ini, Jared langsung menutup telepon dan berjanji akan datang secepat mungkin.

Jared mengetuk pintu dan aku melihatnya masih memakai piyama. Dia langsung memelukku dan bertanya ada apa denganku. Aku hanya terdiam. Pria ini benar-benar datang dan aku masih tidak percaya.

"It's good tomorrow is weekend," ucap Jared. Dia membawaku ke dalam kamar dan menyuruhku berbaring.

"Talk to me. You seem worried,"

Aku menggeleng. Instead, aku memintanya untuk memelukku. Something's up but I can't talk to him. Jared tidak berbicara lagi, mungkin dia juga sangat mengantuk sampai akhirnya beberapa menit kemudian dia tidak bergerak sama sekali.

Aku masih mencoba menutup mata dan melupakan semua masalah. Sampai aku merasa sangat lelah, aku terlelap di pelukan Jared tanpa bermimpi.


Sunday, 24 July 2016

[One Shot] The Day We Meet, Again...

Malam itu, aku ragu untuk datang. Corsage biru yang senada dengan dress yang kukenakan masih tertutup rapi di bungkusnya, menanti dibuka.

Ini adalah pernikahan temanku. Seharusnya aku datang untuk merayakan hari bahagianya ini.

Namun setelah kembali menatap cermin, nyaliku menciut. Aku merasa tidak siap untuk bertemu dengan teman-teman lamaku disana nanti. 

Terutama Ian.

Delilah sudah meneleponiku dan bertanya kapan aku siap untuk dijemput. Dengan enggan aku berkata kalau dia bisa jalan sekarang juga.

Kalau saja aku pergi sendiri, mungkin aku akan memberi alasan agar tidak jadi pergi. Tetapi ini Delilah. Dia tahu aku masih ragu untuk datang dan bersikeras agar menjemputku.

Dia tidak tahu perasaanku kepada Ian. Dia tidak pernah mengerti apa yang akan kuhadapi. Cinta pertama yang tak pernah terucapkan. Kalau dia tahu sejak dahulu, aku bertanya-tanya apa yang akan dia lakukan.

"Kau sedikit... wow... sejak kapan kau seperti ini?" Reaksi Delilah membuatku cemas.

"Seperti apa?"

"You put an effort for your looks tonight,"

Karena Ian, Delilah. Aku tidak mungkin berpenampilan biasa saja ketika mata Ian kemungkinan melirikku walau kurang dari sedetik. Sepersekian detik tatapannya sudah cukup membuat jantungku berdegup tidak karuan.

"Is it bad?"

"What? No. You look gorgeous, dear," puji Delilah.

"You too, by the way," Delilah tersenyum sambil merapikan red halter dress yang cukup mengekspos keseksian area leher hingga bahunya.

Aku cukup senang hasil memilih-milih dress baru dan kursus makeup kilat via tutorial yang kurang dari seminggu kupersiapkan ini diakui oleh Delilah, gadis paling feminin diantara yang kukenal. Meski hanya sebuah sheath dress biru polos yang terlalu simpel dibandingkan sebelahku ini, aku puas dengan pujiannya.

Saat sampai di venue, Delilah menyeretku bertemu teman-teman lama kami. Aku masih bisa mengingat beberapa dari mereka, walau terkadang sedikit tertukar namanya. Mataku masih berkeliaran mencari sosok pria yang kunanti sejak lama.

Aku berusaha membayangkan perubahan pria itu setelah sekian tahun tak bertemu. Mungkin kini dia sudah sangat tidak bisa kukenali hingga sulit kutemukan di balik kerumunan. Atau mungkin kesempatanku satu-satunya untuk bertemu lagi berakhir sia-sia, Ian terlalu sibuk untuk mendatangi pesta pernikahan teman lamanya ini.

Monday, 23 May 2016

[Prologue] Run Away

It shouldn't be the end of the world, yeah it is...

Aku, berdiri bagaikan sebuah batu karang. Kau tahu? Dengan gagah tegak berpijak dan melawan ombak. Dan ombak itu adalah kamu, yang mengikis pertahananku hari demi hari, detik ke detik.

Aku, sang batu, melampaui berbagai halang rintang demi berdiri sendiri. Kalau matahari mampu menceritakan kisahku, dia akan berkata bahwa aku adalah salah satu yang paling tangguh. Namun semenjak kedatanganmu, kau mengubahku.

Jangan berpaling lagi, karena kini seluruh tubuh ini membencimu. Aku mencoba melupakan saat dimana kau mulai meletakkan dirimu dan melawan pertahananku. Bagaimana usaha kecil yang selalu luput dari perhatian kini menjadi fokus utama. Bagaimana wajah yang bersinar dan menyapa hangat perlahan tinggal bayangan.

Aku mencobanya, meski sulit. Kau pergi, menghilang, kau meninggalkanku...

Karena kau yang harus bertanggung jawab, dan kau tidak mengetahuinya.

Namun aku hanyalah sebuah batu karang. Tentu saja kau tidak menyadari dibalik apa yang kutunjukkan kepadamu. Aku tetaplah sang batu, dan kau menganggapku sekokoh dahulu.

Why is it when you made me love you,

You just run away?


This may be a prologue for something that I'm working on (spoiler).
#WhilePlaying Kim Jaejoong - Run Away

Friday, 15 April 2016

[Recommendation] HWANG MI-RI's COLLECTION

This time, i will give you multiple manhwa recommendations from one author, Hwang Mi-Ri. I really liked her works since I started liking comic book. I remember digging the old bookstore only for searching her manhwas. Alright, I won't talk much and let's get started!

The typical story of Hwang Mi-Ri's that you will find in her every works are:
- Involving the life of beautiful people
- A bad boy with bad reputation (head of a gang or mastered in fighting)
- Rude and rebellious girl (sometimes poor or overly rich)
- Being ugly is a sin and make your life harder

I must say, the manhwa is soooo oldie so if you had missed it, believe me there's still time to make it up. I am personally into those kind of story, and Hwang Mi-Ri always successfully putting marvelous scene and make it so comical. Plus, I enjoyed her artworks too!

[1] Hot Blooded Woman

The story is about a tomboy girl (Kang HaJi) who switched her body with a rich, pretty, but sickly girl (Han Aram). This manhwa was the first to make me falling in love with the author. It's full of comedy and somehow I didn't really remember cheesy moments from the romance. I had to say that this is like a pure comedy manhwa in romance setting. Can you imagine how funny it would be when a girl with good fighting skill must survived the bullying that Aram faced? Seriously, HaJi was also too late to find out that Aram's life was bullied at school, and it was already funny to me. Plus, with Aram's pretty face, HaJi had no idea if some boys were attracted to her and thought it was an insult to her. In conclusion, this manhwa is a must read, seriously!

[2] New Sexy Simpleton
Oh my this is really hillarious! The story is about a beautiful model who went time-travel to an ancient era that fat and chubby woman was considered the true beauty than skinny woman. EunBi who had a perfect body for this era was struggling when she was taken as an ugly woman. With her awkward, rude, and hot-blooded personality, she was simply putting joke to every scene. This is also a must read for every romcom seeker!

[3] Crazy Girl Shin Bia

Aw, man, I should start making a journal for every comic that I've read. It is really hard to remember the story because it somehow stirred up with New Sexy Simpleton. The concept is the same, Shin Bia was gone time-travel to her ancestor era, that she appeared to be an elegant princess, that is the exact opposite of her personalities. All that I remembered is in this story, there were so many choices of man, and there was this one bad boy who will make your heart fluttered! Ah, that black haired guy with deep and scary stares! I knew it! Typically my crush! You have to read this and be in love with my guy!

Actually I wanted to give others such as Look for an Oppa, Miunohri to Swan, Advent of Snow White of the Hell, He Dedicated To Rose, The Moment When A Fox Becomes A Wolf, and also Idol Shopping, but I will give you the top 3 in my list for starters. After you completed all, you will become addicted and digging the title one by one on your own.

Well, welcome to the author's world!

Monday, 14 March 2016


Hello. This time, I will share you about something serious. Not really serious but something that you should know.

The "negative" word that's on the title means something that I recently knew. I know some of you may think of other thing, so let me tell you about my experience first.

I'm always afraid of hospital things. Even at this age, I will get shaken if I have to let myself to go to hospital. I am scared if I have to draw my bloods, get the check result, or even the smell of hospital makes me a little dizzy. In conclusion, I hate needles and seeing bloods. Seriously, I will act like a baby when I'm going to draw blood and I believe I'm not the only one, right?

But last year, I got curious of donating bloods. There was a feeling that I need to experience something that I haven't done and blood donation was the only thing acrossed my mind. Well, with the help of Twitter that gave me an info of the event and the promotions were somehow moving me. I knew that I was scared but my mind told me that somewhere out there, my blood was needed and I would make my life a little bit useful for the world. Okay, it was quite overwhelming but for a person who is scared of needles and blood, it was not.

Luckily, I have a friend with no experience of donating blood and also wanted to do once. She had another reason for donating that was more making me moved to do it. So we were going to the event and start our first donation. Although it was crowded, thankfully we didn't wait too long to get checked. I already knew my blood type, which was A, and my Hb was good to donate, so I passed to donate.

When I was laying and waiting for someone to draw my blood, I got nervous. Oh Hell, I also saw how big the needle was and coughed like crazy because of nervousness. But with the help of beginner's luck, the needles were sucking my blood so fast. Then I felt something. Donating my bloods were not really scary at all. Even I didn't feel the urge to be scared of needles. It was as if I felt nothing! Seriously! My body felt lighter and I didn't get dizzy like everybody said. I felt a little healthier and it was a good thing.

Do you ever feel when you're afraid of something and you try to find out why you get scared of it but instead you find nothing, somehow you start to not be afraid again? Because after donating, I was asking myself why should I was scared of needles and blood when I didn't even felt it hurt at all.

So that's really the first time I knew that I wouldn't be scared of them again and I got the pleasure of donating more and more.

But that's not the point of my story yet.

After that, not too long after i donated, I got a call from someone. Here's our conversation:

Hello, we're from PMI. Did you ever donate your blood at *(the event name)* ? // Yes. // Did you know your rhesus is negative? // Yes (I just said it spontaneously because I didn't even know what she was saying) // Okay, so the thing is we need your blood, may I know where do you live? // Bekasi. // Ah. Are you at home now? // Yes. But i need to go somewhere. // Okay, can you come to donate, like now? // No problem, where should I go? // To Kramat? // Can't I go to other places? // Sorry, but here is the headquarter of PMI and you can only donate here. Or maybe we can send the staff to your house? // What time? // Around 3 PM? // Sorry but I can't. I'm going to campus today. Other time, maybe? // Okay, we will call you next time, thanks.

Seriously, I was asking myself why would they had to come to me only for getting my blood, like am I that special or donating is really a rare thing for people? How can they lack in A type blood stocks, like seriously?

Then that was the time when I understood something. I looked up about what was this rhesus negative that she talked about. I didn't understand it before and just said yes unknowingly. And then I got shocked when I searched about it and asked to my friend to make sure what I read was right. And my friend confirmed what I just found.

Shortly, there are 2 rhesus type of blood, positive and negative. It is not only about A, B, O, or AB type, but the rhesus is needed to be known. Rh+ (Rhesus positive) is the common type while Rh- (Rhesus negative) is the rare type. It may be less than 15% of world population are born with it. Can you imagine it? If 15% is for entire world, what about in Indonesia only? And how much of them already know that they're Rh- ? And to be specific, how much of them are A- like me?

I also saw an article said that Rh- is more to be found (or commonly) in Europe than Asia or other countries. So I got excited at first knowing that maybe I have a little possibility of having caucasian blood on my veins (pardon my imagination but please continue reading).

Then, I also read an article saying that Rh- people may be originated from (or belong to) Nephilim or the Fallen Angels, which I found very exciting because of my interest in fiction novels and Nephilim stories to be exact. Seriously at a glance I feel attached to Nephilim and getting excited over an untrusted source.

BUT the rest infos are getting me more nervous. The fact that I will be getting a failure risk of pregnancy if I married to Rh+ and the baby will be Rh+ too (searching for a right husband is already hard and now I have to search for someone with Rh- too, seriously????) or the worst, IT IS A RARE TYPE. Which means, it will be hard to get one when you suddenly need it and the stock is limited. What if you're on crisis because of an accident?

Seriously? I just got excited over nothing. Being a descendant of Nephilim is useless when you're nobody actually and having difficulty to secure yourself in danger. Come on, in the halfway of life and death, how could I make it worse with the blood stocks? I mean, the time would be risky, and what if the hospital doesn't have one? Oh My God, it's horrible to imagine.

After my first donation in Kramat, i found myself is the only Rh- in my family, so they can't be a helper if I'm in need immediately. And somehow, I got to know that my great-great-great grandfather from my mother side is half dutch (which gives me several percentage of dutch blood that has no meaning totally in my physical appearance, thank you) that may be the reason for my Rh- blood.

So I decided to do something. I WILL dedicate my blood for those who share the fate with me, to expect they will do the same for me when I need in future. It's like feeding my good karma for my own life later. Because I believe that karma does exist, and if everyone do the same, then we will be just fine.

Later I found out that there is a community for Rh- people near us, with a good intention certainly. They help each other, give information, and gather people like me. Even though I am not active in the community, I am happy enough to see them. I tend to get in touch with Rh- staff in PMI and donate my blood whenever they called and if my condition is possible.

In conclusion, I need you to know what rhesus is yours. I know some of you may haven't known your blood type yet, so please check it ASAP, for your own sake.

If you're Rh- just like me, it will be not too late to do a good deed because out there, someone may need your blood to survive. But for the Rh+, you're also needed to donate because the demand for Rh+ is actually higher and your donation is always needed. Just think of what your donation can do to save people, and please, donating won't hurt than the deeds you will give to community.

So please please donate your blood. It will be an exciting experience and also a meaningful deed for some people and even yourself.

Thank you for reading and good night all!!

Saturday, 6 February 2016

[Recommendation] Boku wa Mari no Naka, A Great Psychological Manga

Well, frankly, maybe recommending this manga would spoil a little bit of myself. The genre of this manga is kinda mature, so I only recommend it for the proper age. But it doesn't really mean that... come on... I'm not really... well... never mind. I can assure you that this one wouldn't contain too much mature content. I could say that this manga is full of psychological side and mystery, so it will make you curious till the end.

Now I'm thinking for keeping it posted or not (hahaha). You can judge all you want, but seriously, this is the real deal. The manga itself hasn't completed yet. But it's already there around 60 chapters, so reading it now won't really hurt.

The story is about Komori, a loser guy who lived without any future. He met a high school girl and started to stalk her. But one day, he woke up as the girl, Mari. And that's how the body swapping begun. The most confusing part was when the real Komori was also living like the usual, by all means there were 2 conscious Komori. He then tried to find out what was happening to the real Mari inside the body and himself also.

The interesting part is about the concept of gender-bender/body swap. Usually the body swapping is about 2 soul that swapped to the opposite body. But instead, the boy's soul is passed to the girl's body when the girl's soul is still inside. In my opinion, it may be a case of MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), but maybe it is not.

It still remains a mystery for what really happen to Komori. And although the plot is a little bit slow to reveal the cause one by one, the story is flowing smoothly, I think. There is also a confusing part when the best friend of Mari is involved. The mature scene only came out in less than 5 times and not really the main theme so they're still accepted. Anyway, please try reading it first. It's quite nice to kill the time.

Have a good day everyone!

Rate: 3.7 of 5

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

[Intermezzo] Being an Adult #1

I think I know why most women like flowers.

That's because flowers are always delivered in happy moments (e.g Graduation, Wedding, Anniversary).

I think I know why most women like jewellery.

That's because jewellery is such a precious thing that would be given by precious someone.

But there are so many things that I still don't understand. Maybe I am not so mature enough to know it now.

Monday, 11 January 2016

[One Shot] Stockholm Syndrome

“Lakukan apa yang kau mau, karena aku tidak pernah peduli,”

Anak gadis itu merengut ketika aku berkata kepadanya. Ia tidak bisa menerima kenyataannya. Raut wajahnya masih lengkap tergores sempurna dalam hatiku. Ia menahan rasa sakit hatinya.

“Kalau aku akan bunuh diri, apa kau juga tidak peduli ?” suaranya tak gentar.

Aku membalikkan badan, menghadapnya, melihat apakah ia benar-benar serius atau tidak. Ini sudah terjadi untuk ke sekian kalinya, cara tersebut memang paling ampuh untuk menekanku, dan untuk kali ini, aku tidak mau lagi.

“Kau masih hidup atau tidak, memang bukan urusanku,” jawabku, kembali meninggalkannya.

“Nike ! Nike !!” Chloe memanggilku dan berteriak, “ Aku akan bunuh diri !” ancamnya.

“Lakukan saja !” jawabku, menggertaknya. Coba saja, mana mungkin ia yang sepengecut itu berani menghabiskan hidupnya.

“Aku benar-benar akan bunuh diri !!” ia berteriak lagi.

“Terserah !” suaraku menyingkap ketidakpedulian yang begitu besar.